
Shadow of a Doubt (1943)

Movie: Shadow of a Doubt
Release: 1943, theatrical
Starring: Teresa Wright, Joseph Cotten
Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock
IMDB Page: Link opens in a new window
Description: A normal small-town American family is paid a visit by their favorite uncle but something is wrong this time around.

Hans' thoughts: 

To me this movie was hard to get into. We get this all-American family suddenly exposed to something mysterious and to me it just felt off, like two entirely different movies were clashing. I do have this itch that this was what the audience were supposed to feel though and it certainly has some good moments. Halfway through the movie we have this big reveal and while the scene itself is good, as with the recurring theme of not knowing how to cope with the subject matter this movie just didn't do it for me. Once the big reveal was done, the movie was kinda just speeding along towards the inevitable and kinda predictable ending. It has some well-made and fleshed out characters, especially the ones played by the two main actors. But at the same time a lot of the characters (including the female lead) acts way too naive than what would seem realistic. Other than that the movie was kind of believable, the city is shot very anonymously, it could very well be in any part of the country, this was probably done to make it easier for the audience to identify themselves with the characters and the situation. I ended up enjoying this movie and I'm glad I saw it, but it is definitely very different from what I would normally put into the disc-player when I need to relax.

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